2024. évben a munkaszüneti és pihenőnapok alakulása
Január 1., újév: munkaszüneti nap Március 15., 1848-as forradalom: munkaszüneti nap Március 29., nagypéntek: munkaszüneti nap Április 1., húsvéthétfő: munkaszüneti…
A debreceni HR Festen jártunk
2023. november 8-án a Debrecenben megrendezésre kerülő HR Festen járt az Adapt Kft., ahol számos előadást hallgathattunk meg a térség…
Air Cargo May Become Short-term Solution
How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…
We introduce new boat and flight service
How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…
Introduce new boat service in this spring
How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…
Our customer around the world satisty with it
How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…
Goods will be contain in certified safe warehouse
How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…
We ensures you best the quality services
How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…
Our Cargo trucking service
How all this mistakens idea off denouncing sed pleasur and praising our pain was born and get will give you…